AAP 2018


About AAP symposium

Advanced Architectures in Photonics

The AAP2014 was the first symposium in the Advanced Architectures in Photonics series and was held on September 21-24, 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic, followed by the AAP2016 September 25-29 in Mykonos, Greece.

The primary goal of the AAP symposium series is to gather together leading experts from a diverse set of research areas related to “nanostructures and light manipulation” from both the experiment and theory/simulation fields.

Both, the Advisory Board and the Organizing Committee are committed to ensure scientific coverage with plenary, invited and contributed talks specially focused on science and technology of micro- and nano-structured materials designed for next-generation opto-electronic devices.

The upcoming AAP2018 symposium will be chaired by Prof Martyn E. Pemble from Tyndall National Institute and University College Cork, Ireland, and hosted by Selwyn College, Cambridge, UK on September 2nd - 5th, 2018. 

I wish the organizers fruitful event, keeping high scientific standards as those established at the first two meetings.

Dr Spyros N. Yannopoulos, Chairman, AAP 2016


Advanced Architectures in Photonics 2016
Mykonos, Greece


Advanced Architectures in Photonics 2014
Prague, Czech Republic

AAP 2014
